I’m getting Older or My Gooey Banana Nutella Brownies packed with Toasted Hazelnuts and topped with Luscious Mascarpone Nutella Frosting/ J’ai encore vieilli ou Mes Brownies Nutella Banane aux noisettes torréfiées et glaçage Nutella Mascarpone.

Descendez pour la version française.

I spent two days in Paris this week. The weather was awful. So me and my Bff had only one thing left to do : Starbucks two afternoons in a row. Sometimes I think that the fact that there is no Starbucks where I live is a good and bad thing …

I went to Paris for a Major Event : The 3 Doors Down Concert. I bought my tickets 6 months ago , I just love that band.  They’re not big at all in France so it was in a  small venue which was even better.  They said that it was the smallest venue of the Tour but that we were the best crowd. I’ve been to enough gigs in my life to know that they always say that.  So two possibilities : Paris has the best crowd  or they’re  just doing their job.

I worked  interned in the « Music Business » for 4 years. Long hours, no pay but they assume that it’s great, you’re lucky, that it’s your passion and that if you have a problem , hundred of people are waiting behind you.  Don’t get me wrong I loved it. I met great people, I have great memories. I just wasn’t made for that.

Well , like the last gig I’ve been to (Rise Against) , I felt older again. I know that I’m not old. I meant older. Ten years ago when we moved to Paris (I was an art student by then which is a whole other story) and I felt in love with live music.  So I made friends that loved music, played guitar and were so cool. I remember that we came early and that we could wait hours in front of a venue to be the first ones to get in and in hope to see the band/singer. Then we also waited after the gig  in hope to meet someone from the band / singer .. etc .. I had so much fun.

And now I feel older because I show up at the last minute and wait in the back of the line. I prefer to pay to be seated instead of trying to stay as close as possible to the stage  and I mostly go by myself. I look with some kind of nostalgie at  the kids young men and women that are at the front of  the line. But I think I’ll get even older the day I’ll start skipping the opening acts. All that to say that this concert was awesome even if I’m older.

So I came home and baked those Banana Nutella Brownies. That was my Bff idea.  I loved it, I was just waiting for new ripe bananas to come my way. Then I realized that I already baked  Nutella Pralin brownies, Nutella Cupcakes  and Nutella Banana bread with hazelnuts …  A little wordy I agree. But trust me. You wanna bite  in one of those brownies.  I even topped them with this delicious mascarpone  frosting  (ok it was patiently waiting in my freezer) which lead me to go for a run.  So you know what you have to do now.

Banana Nutella Hazelnut Brownies with Mascarpone Nutella Frosting: (yield 12 / 16 squares)

Banana Nutella Brownies :

Ingredients :

–       125g / 4.4 oz / 1 / 2  cup ripe mashed bananas (about 1 medium)

–       120g / 4.2 oz / 1 cup hazelnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped

–       60g / 2.1 oz /  1/2 cup Cake Flour

–       50g / 1.7 oz  /  1/2 cup hazelnut meal

–       1/4 tsp salt

–       1 large egg

–       56g / 2oz / 1/2 stick of butter , melted

–       1 tsp pure vanilla extract

–       60g / 2.1 oz/ 1/4 cup packed brown sugar

–       55g / 2 oz /1/4 cup light brown sugar

–       300g / oz / 1 cup Nutella

Steps :

–       Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Butter an 8×8 pan or line it with aluminium foil ( leaving a 2-inch overhang on two sides ).

–       Peel and toast your hazelnuts. Then chop them coarsely.

–       In a bowl mash the bananas (using a fork or a potato masher) and mix with the vanilla extract. Set aside.

–       Melt the cubed butter in a saucepan over low heat or into a microwave. Set aside to cool.

–       Sift and whisk together the flour, the hazelnut meal and salt. Set aside.

–       Beat the melted butter and sugar together. Add egg, Nutella and mashed bananas; beat several minutes, until the mixture is smooth  Add the dry ingredients, a third at a time.

–       Stir in the hazelnuts.

–       Transfer the batter to the prepared pan, spreading the batter evenly to the edges of the pan. ; smooth top.

–       Bake for 25 / 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out with a few moist crumbs sticking to it.

–       Remove brownies from oven and place them on a wire rack to cool completely.

–       Once cooled, Using aluminium overhang, lift cake from pan and transfer to a cutting board; cut into 12 or 16 squares.

–       Eat them all or try not to !

Nutella Mascarpone Frosting :

Ingredients :

–       100g / 3.5 oz / 1/3 cup Nutella

–       450g / 16 oz  / Mascarpone Cheese

–       250g / 8.8 oz / 2 cups confectioner’s sugar

Steps :

–       In a bowl, beat Nutella and Mascarpone Cheese until  smooth and creamy.

–       On low speed, add the  2 cups sugar. Beat until well incorporated.

–       Keep beating until light and fluffy.

PS : That makes lots of frosting,  so you can either choose to do a whole batch and eat left over by the spoon ( which is what I did .. I know that’s bad).  Or you can just half the recipe !

Bon Appétit !


Et en français maintenant:

J’ai passé deux jours à Paris cette semaine et le temps était horrible. Avec une de mes meilleures amies nous n’avons pas eut d’autres alternatives que d’aller nous réfugier deux après midi de suite au Starbucks. Parfois je ne sais pas si c’est une bonne ou une mauvaise chose qu’il n’y ait pas de  Starbucks chez moi ..

Je suis allée à Paris pour un événement majeur  comprenez bien: Le concert des 3 Doors Down, je traduis : un groupe de rock US pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas. Et  comme peu de personnes connaissent en France ils ont joués dans une petite salle : Le Bataclan.  Ce qui était génial si on considère qu’ils ont plus l’habitude de remplir des stades …. Ils ont d’ailleurs mentionnés que c’était la plus petite salle de leur tournée mais que nous étions vraiment le meilleur public.  J’ai été à assez de concert pour savoir qu’ils disent tous ça. Donc deux possibilités : Soit on est vraiment un public extraordinaire , soit ils font juste bien leur boulot.

J’ai travaillé fait plusieurs stages pendant presque quatre ans dans le monde merveilleux du spectacle vivant.  De longues heures peu ou pas payées mais on estime  que c’est génial, que c’est votre passion, que vous avez de la chance d’être là et que si cela vous pose un problème il y en a beaucoup qui attendent derrière vous. Ne vous méprenez pas, j’ai adoré cette expérience, j’ai vécu des choses géniales et j’ai de très bons souvenirs de cette époque. Je n’étais juste pas faite pour ça je pense.

J’ai eut le même sentiment qu’au dernier concert où j’ai été en Angleterre (Rise Against pour ceux qui connaissent). Le sentiment d’avoir encore vieilli. Je sais que je ne suis pas « vieille » au sens propre du terme hein… J’explique.  Il y a à peu près 10 ans nous avons déménagé à Paris (J’étais étudiante en art à cette époque là, si si, mais c’est une autre histoire) et je me suis trouvée une passion pour la musique et les concerts en particulier. Je me suis donc fait des amis qui étaient fans de musique eux aussi, ils jouaient de la guitare pour certains et étaient trop cools quoi. Je me rappelle qu’on  arrivait très tôt et qu’on pouvait attendre des heures devant la salle de concert pour être les premiers à entrer mais aussi dans l’espoir d’apercevoir la tête d’affiche.  Et puis pour cette même raison on attendait après le concert également .. Que de bons souvenirs !

Et donc maintenant, je sens que j’ai vieilli  parce que j’arrive toujours à la dernière minute et que je me retrouve donc  à la fin de la  file d’attente, je préfère payer plus cher pour être assise plutôt que d’être dans la fosse et je vais souvent seule aux concerts d’ailleurs. Je regarde avec nostalgie les gamins  jeunes adultes qui attendent au début de la file, en bande. Mais je pense que je vieillirai vraiment le jour où je commencerai à arriver après la première partie …

Alors je suis rentrée chez moi et j’ai préparé ces Brownies Nutella Banane. C’était l’idée d’une de mes meilleures amies (celle du Starbucks). J’ai adoré. Je devais juste attendre d’avoir de nouvelles bananes bien mûres. Puis j’ai réalisé que j’avais déjà fait des Brownies Nutella Pralin, des Cupcakes au Nutella et un Cake Banane Nutella avec des noisettes .. Un peu redondant, j’en conviens. Mais croyez moi. Vous voulez vraiment mordre dans un de ces brownies. Et puis comme il n’y avait pas assez de calories, je les ai garni d’un délicieux glaçage Nutella Mascarpone. Tout cela m’a bien évidemment obligé à retourner courir . Mais bon vous savez ce qu’il vous reste à faire.  ( Moi je dis ça ..  Je dis rien, je suis pas là ..)

Brownies  Nutella Banane Noisettes : (Pour 12 ou16 brownies)

Ingrédients :

–       125g g de bananes bien mûres (environ 1 moyennes)

–       50g de poudre de noisettes

–       60g de farine T45

–       1/4 cc de sel

–       1 œuf (gros)

–       56g beurre fondu

–       1 cc d’extrait de vanille

–       55g de cassonade blonde

–       60g de sucre complet

–       300g de Nutella

–       120g noisettes torréfiées et grossièrement hachées

Étapes :

–       Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Beurrez un moule de 20cmx20cm ou bien recouvrez le de papier aluminium.  (en laissant 5 cm de parts et d’autres  du moule de manière à les démouler facilement).

–       Pelez et torréfiez vos noisettes. Hachez les grossièrement. Réservez.

–       Dans un récipient écrasez les bananes (à l’aide d’une fourchette ou d’un écrase purée). Ajoutez l’extrait naturel de vanille, mélangez, réservez.

–       Faites fondre le beurre dans une casserole à feu doux ou bien encore au micro-onde. Laissez refroidir quelques minutes, réservez.

–       Mélangez la farine et le sel dans un autre récipient.

–       Mélangez le beurre fondu et le sucre. Ajoutez l’œuf, le Nutella et les bananes écrasées. mélangez quelques minutes jusqu’à ce que l’appareil soit bien lisse.  Incorporez la farine en 3 fois.  Enfin incorporez les noisettes.

–       Versez l’a pâte dans le moule en la répartissant bien à l’aide d’une cuillère en bois. Lissez bien le dessus.

–       Enfournez et laissez cuire 25 à 30 minutes, ou jusqu’à ce que la pointe d’un couteau ressorte avec quelques avec des grumeaux et non pas complètement propre.

–       Sortez les brownies du four et laissez refroidir complètement dans le moule sur une grille.

–       Une fois refroidi, utilisez les poignées en aluminium pour sortir le gâteau du moule, transférez le sur une planche à découper et coupez le en 12  ou 16 parts.

–       Dévorez les tous !

NB : Pour ceux qui ne maîtrisent pas bien l’anglais voilà une petite traduction de My Baking Addiction : Portez à ébullition 500 ml d’eau. Ajoutez 3CS de bicarbonate de soude alimentaire (ça va mousser c’est normal). Versez 120g de noisettes (l’eau va devenir noire, c’est toujours normal) et faites les bouillir 3 minutes.  Au bout des trois minutes, jetez une noisette dans un grand bol d’eau glacée que vous aurez préparé à portée de main.  Retirez la peau avec vos doigts. Si celle ci ne vient pas facilement laissez bouillir encore une minute ou deux. Si la peau s’en va facilement, plongez les noisettes dans le bol d’eau froide et épluchez les. Séchez les. Torréfiez les dans un four à 180°C pendant 15 minutes. Un délice !!

Glaçage Nutella Mascarpone :

Ingrédients :

–       100g de Nutella

–       500g de Mascarpone

–       250g de sucre glace

Étapes :

–       Battez le Nutella et le mascarpone pendant une minute à vitesse moyenne, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit bien crémeux.

–       Ajoutez le sucre progressivement et battez jusqu’à ce que le mélange soit bien homogène.

–       Mélangez jusqu’à ce que la crème soit  bien lisse et légère.

NB : Cela fait beaucoup de glaçage, alors vous avez deux options. Soit faire cette recette en l’état et manger les restes à la petite cuillère (ce que j’ai fait et qui est très très mal), ou bien tout simplement diviser la recette en deux.

Bon Appétit !



  1. Oh la la, mais comment c’est autorisé de cuisiner une tuerie pareille ??? Et puis je ne sait pas ce qui est le plus criminel, la recette ou les photos ?


  2. TIens, les 3 doors down… J’ai retrouvé mon CD dans la voiture il n’y a pas longtemps… J’écoutais ça au lycée, il y avait une chanson qui s’appellait cryptonite ou superman, je ne sais plus et j’aimais beaucoup. Nous aussi on vieillit, maintenant je ne vais plus dans la fosse et je préfère les gradins… C’est la vie ! Et au passage, ça promet ces brownies !


  3. These are the perfect brownies for me!!!! I love nutella and brownies and BANANAS 🙂 And I really like how you’ve piped the mascarpone cheese like that so pretty 😀 Thanks for sharing!

    Bookmarking this NOW 😀


  4. You can’t DO THIS to people who are hungry. Have you no sense of decency???


    These look simply awesome. I will stifle my disdain for you and your evil post only once I can make a batch for myself…


    • Thank You for forgiving me on that one, that’s what family and friends think : I’m Evil lol. Tell me if you like them 🙂


  5. This just further proves the old saying, Everything is better with nutella.


  6. Reblogged this on isthiswit.


  7. Hey! nice swirls!


  8. Matriarkka says:

    These look mighty delicious, and I got hungry while reading it… Well, off to the kitchen to try this out, eh!


  9. Yum!


  10. Nutella!!! And I just started trying to lose weight, lol. They look fantastic though. I think I’ll make some for the kids and only take a bite or two (or twenty) for myself. 🙂


  11. Katie says:

    Yummmm! I have to try these!


  12. Wow, this is a pure delight! Wonderful photos! Yay to 3 Doors Down! 🙂


  13. Raaj Trambadia says:

    OH MY GOD !! I’m having this as a desert anytime !! This is a totally ‘wow’ post !! Love it 😀 Thank you so much for sharing !! Cheers

    Please check out my latest post – http://raajtram.com/2012/03/12/my-dad-says/

    And even my new PhotoBlog – http://raajclicks.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/oh-i-love-my-laptop/


  14. I’m so going to try making this! It looks so good!


  15. I can taste them right now. Thanks for sharing these goodies. Connie


  16. Delicious! I lovvveeee hazelnuts and nutella so this is perfect!


  17. You had me at Brownies….

    Congrats on being Freshly Baked…oops, my bad,. I mean Freshly Pressed.

    Mr. Bricks


  18. This looks like a good recipe. We love hazelnuts… and nutella, oh yum!! Thanks! Will definitely try this one.


  19. You had me at gooey. Adding this to my list of overly delicious, but so bad for me recipes. The bananas help make them healthier right?


    • Totally healthy. I mean .. Bananas , hazelnuts .. They’re good for us right ? You add mascarpone for calcium and chocolate for magnesium. So Healthy … 😉


  20. This is wonderful! My daughter loves to bake adn loves Nutella. She also speaks English and French! She’ll love these, thank you and congrats on being freshly pressed!


  21. Delicious n might taste reallly grate


  22. My toung is already watery…


  23. Nice photos…et ca doit etre delicieux!


  24. This may be a flavor combo I have to try – looks delicious!


  25. Wow this looks great! I’m gonna show my gf 🙂


  26. Beautiful brownies, and beautiful photos! Congrats on both.


  27. Wow these are beautiful to say the least!!!! Love it! Congrats on being pressed!!!!!


  28. They look delicious, my mouth is watering, I must try these out. Thank you for sharing.


  29. This is a must try!! Thank you. 🙂


  30. My GOD that looks delicious!! Recipes are printed and ready to go! Thanks for sharing!


  31. These sound simply delicious & look stunning! 😀


  32. lesrecettesdupanier says:



  33. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed again Laure – another wonderful recipe. Keep it up – my husbands ‘Pot du Nutella’ is growing daily. mdr.


  34. These are gorgeous! And I bet they taste just as delicious! Love the nutella banana combo! And that mascarpone frosting…!!!


  35. Reblogged this on worthabowedhead and commented:
    Delicious! What a wonderful combination of flavors. I think this is addictive too!


  36. Oh my god! These look delicious! I am so making some soon!


  37. I have to say I feel the same way of concerts, I went to one recently, I got there early was at the front but even before the first band stared to play I went to the back, had to enjoy the concert in a different way. These look amazing love nutella in everything!


    • So do I. Thank you for stopping by, reading my blog and your comment ! Who was the artist that was performing ?


      • It was a mexican band “Camila” they sing romatic songs and pop rock. Lots of kids(teenagers) in the audience ha! I following your blog! I thought i had press follow, now I am.


  38. lovemypinklife says:

    It looks fabolous! 🙂 Thanks for sharing the recipe!


  39. Well, they are pretty as flowers! Like edible roses…. :o). I LOVE your blog!! When it comes to music… you are not getting old… just comfortable…lol. Believe me, I do the same nowadays- there is no way I’m going to be jostled in the middle of a crowd- I’d rather pay for a seat and enjoy the show…lol. And this coming from a girl who stood in line at Wembley Stadium from 7AM during Michael Jackson’s Bad Tour to get a front section “seat”. lol.


    • Aww thank you ! Yeah I realized through these comments that I’m not the only one to get comfortable and c’est la vie 🙂


  40. Those sound and look amazing. Thanks for sharing your recipe… I hope to give it a try very, very soon!


  41. Carlie Chew says:

    This sounds like the most delicious recipe on earth. I can’t wait to try them.


  42. merci


  43. megacolby says:

    Reblogged this on Colby is Mega and commented:
    Yummy!!! 😛


  44. Very lovely post with interesting details. Thanks for sharing. Compliments. Greetings from Italy (just south of Venice).


  45. liugrace says:

    They look amazing, my favourite things; brownies, bananas and nutella in one creation – heavenly! Also the gig in France sounds amazing! I’d love to do something like that one day, I also agree with there being little money in the music industry, I have a few friends who are really talented but sadly earn very little money as musicians!


  46. Reblogged this on Books, Baking & Other Objects of Beauty and commented:
    These look delicious!


  47. Denise Graves says:

    Reblogged this on .


  48. You have combined everything that I love in this world and turned them into these delectable brownies! Très bien! 🙂


  49. the color of the frosting is beautiful!


  50. Reblogged this on Blahsquared's Blog and commented:
    I tried this recipe today and fell in love. You gotta try it with some coffee flavored ice cream.


  51. This looks amazing!


  52. wow so pretty and delicious looking!


  53. As amazing as these sound, I cant wait to find time to see what other gems you have baked up here!


  54. If only I possessed the skill to make something the delicious looking!


  55. Beautiful food, beautiful artwork! Love these brownies!!!


  56. I love nutella! These must taste heavenly.


  57. OMG… these sound delicious! Heavenly delicious worth breaking every diet there is.


  58. mrztanyapickles says:

    Reblogged this on Keeping Wolves as Company.


  59. oh, my God.. this blog is awesome and cute.. I really love it.. the recipe is very good and I think I should try it at home..:) It looks so delicious


  60. Hello nutella mascapone frosting!!! Goodbye all resolve!!


  61. Yes, I am definitely trying these. Wow they look amazing! Yummy!


  62. mydreamingbride says:

    Wow…..these cakes look so tasty!


  63. These look amazing! Saving this recipe for later. Thank you 🙂


  64. These are heavenly! Good Job!!


  65. Absolutely lovely pictures. Yum.


  66. These brownies look heavenly, wish I could eat one right now!!! And lovely photos too, it’s all so pretty!


  67. nutella mascarpone frosting sounds so good!


  68. Yum yum yum! Nutella is the bomb!


  69. Reblogged this on annacinthasholawat.


  70. WOW, this sounds way more complex than any recipe I’ve tried before, but toasted hazelnuts has me dreaming about this so I will!


  71. Aidyearts says:

    lovely photos ;D


  72. Why do I click? WHY!?! And now I am craving brownies and it’s all your fault.


  73. oh my, i love nutella.. just looking at your photos i’m sure they are soooo goood!


  74. Thank you for sharing. I’m so jealous! Paris, 3 doors down and pure delicious all in one night. You’re way too young to feel old, you’re way too clued in to be burdened by youth. It’s more hastle and hangover than it’s worth. Be well and look forward the best is yet to come. I promise.


  75. O.M.G. I think my heart just skipped a beat. So trying these!



  76. Ah, yes, that awkward moment when you suddenly realize that you would have done things entirely differently just a few short years ago! The brownies sound heavenly, too. Anything that calls for an entire cup of Nutella has to be good!


  77. ohmygoodness. this looks absolutely delicious! i’d eat this even if i’m on a diet!


    • I’m staying at my cousin this week and she’s on a diet and very serious about it and well .. She ate them as well :). Actually she asked me to bake them when I got there !


  78. Coool!!!! 🙂 I love brownies!!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤


  79. These look scrumptious but only remind me that I don’t have an oven :/ .

    So I am still young in your books because I might go to concerts once in a blue moon but I must be close enough to see a drop of sweat forming on the forehead of the artist. Even if it means I’ll be squeezed to death 😀 .


    • I’ve been there before , you’re still young don’t worry 😉 I’m so sorry about the oven .. 😦 They will be even better when you’ll be able to bake them ! Thank you for your nice comment ! 🙂


  80. My stomach growled the moment I saw this!! It could inspire me to start baking…


  81. I must figure out a way to make these gluten free! Yummo!


    • I don’t think that it would complicated .. I never tried to bake GF but maybe you should juste substitute the AP flour with brown rice flour .. ? Let me know if you turned them GF 🙂


  82. theyellowranger says:

    My stomach literally just growled at me when I saw this picture. I haven’t eaten in a while, sure, but I’m taking that particular rumble as a sign that I should make these. YUM! Great photography as well. Sometimes it is hard to capture food on camera without usuing synthetic substances.

    Congrats on FP!


  83. Reblogged this on nevertoooldforfairytales and commented:


  84. These look divine!


  85. Those brownies look AMMAAAAAZZZZING! 🙂


  86. OMG these look AMAZING ! Have. to. make.


  87. They look so delicious!! Need to try them! 🙂


  88. wow! that looks so delicious..
    and the presentation itself is a work of art 🙂


  89. Looks delicious . . . and my kids (especially my son) loves Nutella . . .


  90. Nutella and hazelnuts — two of my favorite ingredients. Yum! Merci beaucoup! 😉


  91. Just found your blog and I must say these brownies look delicious and much more healthy (important to us moms out here who have trouble getting fruits and veggies INTO our kiddos). I love that you post your recipes bilingually… bonus for me, as I can read and understand them in both English and French, having minored in French in college. I am going to have to adapt the recipe a little to make them, as my children are on a Gluten-Free & dairy-Free diet for autism, but shouldn’t be too difficult.


    • First Thank You !I think it wouldn’t be much difficult to make it GF / dairy free … Margarine, dairy free creamer and some GF Flour and you’re done. Did you bake them ? That’s great about french it’s really complicated even for french people … Let me know about the brownies 😉


      • Not yet. I forgot to get the nutellaand bananas when I was grocery shopping on Wed, but made sure to write it on my list this time so I don’t forget next week. I was going to try a batch substituting peanut butter with some chocolate added and pureed pumpkin (similar texture to mashed banana) though tonight. Looks like and excellent way to get fruit or veg into kids. When in doubt if they will eat it, hide it in a dessert!


  92. Reblogged this on The Lifeline and commented:
    If only I had a working oven at home, I would make this. Unfortunately, the lesson for me now is to wait patiently.

    Beautiful photos! 🙂


    • Oh Thank You .. Sorry about the oven it must be very frustrating but you’ll have one and will be able to bake whatever you want and it will be like heaven 😉


      • Still praying about it and keeping my fingers crossed! Thank you! 🙂 Keep baking delish pastries, too, so that when I finally receive my dream oven, I can emulate your masterpieces! 😀


  93. now i’m craving for brownies 🙂 looks really yummy!


  94. virginiaalamode says:

    These look delicious…definitely going in my recipe file!


  95. love your recipes and treats!


  96. stunning food and some beautiful ideas


  97. im salivating already!


  98. Wow! looks really Yummmmmmy!


  99. That looks aaamazing!


  100. OMG they look divine! I would so have one, maybe two…. or better all of them now! 🙂


  101. I am definitely trying those brownies…


  102. This looks absolutely gorgeous! Love!


  103. Do you do any deliveries in South-Africa? I would give my two front teeth for one of them right this instant!


  104. Beautiful pictures! The recipe looks so good…you can never go wrong with the flavors of Nutella and banana. 🙂


  105. Wow, I love the font and the theme in this blog so much, it’s beautiful and sweet like butter 🙂
    Can you tell me what font type you choose, please ?


    • I’m sorry can’t find the type of font, I know that it’s from Typekit n°fha7mry, the theme is Pretty Young thing. Glad that you like it 🙂


  106. Hmmm…. looks and sounds so tasty!


  107. Char. says:

    Reblogged this on facade..


  108. Modern Funk says:

    Holy christ…these look amazing!


  109. jesus…I am making these right now to celebrate handing in my coursework yey!


    • Did you give them a try ? What did you think ?


      • i made them for my mother when she was in hospital and her face literally lit up! they were excruciatingly delicious! 🙂 excellent recipe! thank you for sharing such goodies!


  110. OMG! These look divine! I know–this might seem a little strange coming from a nutrition and wellness coach; but I always tell my clients, “Sometimes–as long as it’s not a habit, you do need to have a splurge.” This is definitely one of those worth-while splurges!!!


  111. They look amazing and as a coincidence, I just happened to post a similar cake post on my blog at here http://arwenevenstar.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/banana-nutella-cranberry-cake/


  112. These look heavenly – I have to try them. Nutella is a staple in our house. 🙂


  113. Reblogged this on Stirring Trouble: Internationally and commented:
    Nice recipes desserts are a great way to fill up after a nice savoury feast.
    I read this article about cooking fancies and chocolate delights. The text is legible and I enjoyed looking at the nice images of little French fancies.


  114. Oh my goodness that looks and sounds so yummy I think I would be in serious danger if I tried to make these I am sure they would be totally addicting. I love Nutella Piece of bread with a little bit of peanut butter on it as well. Anyway, I was curious are you in France or go to school there. I wish I could speak it my brother went there for two years and loved it there. Anyway Great Post


    • I am french actually and I live in France that’s why. Oh that’s great for your brother ! Where did he went ? I never tried peanut butter and Nutella … I’m definitely going to try that ! Thank You for your kind words 🙂


  115. Your Nutella brownies look amazing–thanks for all the “sweet” (pun-intended) pics. Very creative. And what a neat surprise to find your post spiced up with French–if only I could read it!


  116. These look yummy and your blog is absolutely adorable! I am so glad I wandered this way. 🙂


  117. Wow these look amazing! My mum’s a baker, and I’m going to make sure to give her this recipe! Lovely. Have a look at her products if you’re interested, https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Cake-Lady/172679392788702
    Keep up the great work!


  118. Oh yum. And there is plenty of Nutella to be had here in Brazil. Thanks for posting the recipe.


  119. Jaime ton blog, surtout le style de tes photos et l’idée de faire les brownies avec glaçage Genius!


  120. love the frosting patterns.. and Nutella is kind of a clincher, isn’t it?


  121. Reblogged this on mrmasemaselol and commented:
    so good try it


  122. This looks beyond delectable.


  123. WOW, I wish I could grab one out of my computer screen and eat it!! LOL


  124. Oooh! You are wicked! These look and sound delicious!


  125. I am officially a huge fan! Nutella is a brilliant food product. I have have never done much of anything with it except for spread it on bread. Thanks for giving me some recipe ideas.


    • Thank You ! Did you tried to spread it on crepes or pancakes as well ? You’re welcome, I love Nutella but my bf and brothers are really addicted to it, I come up with those recipes mostly for them. I hope that you gonna love baking and eating those Nutella goodies 🙂


  126. Your a life saver! I needed something DIFFERENT for an upcoming bake sale and THIS is it! Thanks so much for posting this. Again, your a life saver!


  127. Matt Vititoe says:

    I love brownies; this one looks delicious! Thanks for posting the recipe!


  128. whoa…looks so good!


  129. Myra's voice. says:

    Wow! Delicious!


  130. the brownies looks so tempting…i’m sure they are so delicious…


  131. They look beautiful 🙂


  132. These look absolutely incredible! Definately one to try! thanks so much for sharing! x


  133. Looks truly divine! I’m going to give it a whirl! x


  134. I love the icing decoration! Nice work.


  135. Reblogged this on TEES AND MORE and commented:


  136. skampie says:

    pinned for later 😀


  137. Wow,it’s pecfet!love all!


  138. First of all, I love Paris. Secondly, I’m trying these brownies today. My kids will love them. They look amazing!


  139. My roommate would love these! She’s nutella obsessed…I might have to try them out (and your other nutella goodies) soon.


  140. These look SO delicious! Can’t wait for a free moment to give this recipe a try… Great idea and lovely post! : )


  141. It looks perfect and delicious 🙂


  142. bookjunkie says:

    gonna start baking now! I hope I have all the ingredients in Austria


  143. those look divine! i get the sense that you like nutella. 😉


  144. jrsgifts says:

    I don’t like Nutella or bananas but this makes me want to try them anyway!


  145. That looks utterly and truly to die for and I will most assuredly be trying these out asap!
    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe.


  146. stacyblaise says:

    Reblogged this on stacyblaise.


  147. Ward'z de souzA says:

    Reblogged this on Ward'z de souzA and commented:
    #Receita ;•)


  148. I was just snacking on pretzels and Nutella thinking what a great frosting Nutella would make and then I find your blog. Yum! These look so good. My sweet tooth is biting. 😀


  149. The Brownies looking so perfekt and delicious!
    geeting hungry, if i see this. ^^

    very good Job !


  150. This is so yummy, and so gorgeous! Now I want some. 😀


  151. Mmm banana and nutella…one of the best combos ever. These look amaaaazing. Thanks for sharing!


  152. ibankerinaskirt says:

    Such beautiful sweets and amazing photography too! Love it!


  153. I absolutely love Nutella, and am so pleased that I’ve now got yet another way of eating it. Thank you.


  154. Perfect!! I have been recently looking for new ways to use bananas since my first attempt at growing them in my tiny potager garden has been spectacularly successful, so we are completely overrun with bananas now 🙂 (here’s my story about that: http://fiddlerchick.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/bananas-bananas-bananas/)
    As soon as husband and I finish the south Indian-style banana-pistachio-rice pudding I just made last night, I’m going to try these banana-Nutella brownies, although I’m afraid I can’t make them look as beautiful as yours. They sound absolutely delicious and I can smell them baking in my imagination!

    P.S. I love the way you write your blog both in English and French. Gives me a good chance to review French – thanks!


  155. Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I finally got my act together and tried to make these and it turned out beautifully!
    The frosting was the stand-out favourite, but the combination was loved by my whole family!
    Would you mind if I shared this on my blog as well? I won’t put the whole recipe, just touch on what it is and my experience and link it back here if that’s alright?
    Thanks again, cheers!


    • You are welcome. I’m glad it turned out great !! Of course you can share it on your blog. Thank you very much for trying my recipe and telling me about it ! 🙂


      • Glad to and will definitely let you know as and when I try more, you clearly love nutella and have some very innovatice and interesting stuff that I would love to try out.


  156. hessa says:

    These look amaziing!!! I’m soo making them 🙂
    one question : do you sift the hazelnut meal with the cake flour and the salt?


    • Oh Thank You ! Let me know what you think. Yes I do sift them together. Thank you because I didn’t noticed I forgot to write it down.:)


  157. YUMMY! Fabulous photos as always! The the colour & pattern of the icing looks like roses!



  1. […] I’m getting Older or My Gooey Banana Nutella Brownies packed with Toasted Hazelnuts and topped wit…. Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Posted by Alma Filed in Yummy Yummy Leave a Comment » […]


  2. […] chocolate toast as often as she might like. But just wait until I blow her little mind with these brownies. Share this:TwitterMoreEmailPrintFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]


  3. […] Gespräch mit meiner Kundin ließ die vorangegangenen Störungen vergessen und … meine Nutella-Bananen-Brownies sind hervorragend gelungen. Manchmal genügt ein gutes Brownie-Rezept, um den Tag zu retten. So. Und […]


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