Maple Strawberry Mascarpone Granola Parfait / Parfait aux Fraises, Granola, Mascarpone et Sirop d’Érable

Descendez pour la version française. The truth is I am struggling with food.  It seems that I  had this Love / Hate  relationship with food forever … I’ve watched a TV show today about people really obese that have to lose weight. The TV show  follow them and help them  during one year. It made […]

Maple Pecan Cranberry Granola / Granola au sirop d’érable, aux noix de pécan et aux canneberges

Descendez pour la version française. I love breakfast. It’s by far my favorite meal of the day. If you have a doubt about it  just check my breakfast/brunch board on Pinterest.  I love to have breakfast for lunch or even for dinner ! Even when I have to wake up at 2am in the morning for […]